Designed to enhance student experience through sport, BUCS delivers 50 sports varying from Rugby, Basketball, Cycling, American Football and Golf.
Recent successes include the UCLan Cycling men's pursuit team breaking a long-standing track record set by Sir Chris Hoy, while our Golf 1st team have reached the National Championship final two years in a row.
UCLan Rams American Football team enjoyed an excellent second season in 2013/14, reaching the quarter-finals of the National Trophy play-offs, UCLan Netball 1st team were promoted to Northern Division 1A with a 100% record, while ex-UCLan footballer Joe Lolley clinched a dream move to Championship outfit Huddersfield Town.
Across a variety of sports our teams enjoyed strong seasons, cementing UCLan's commitment to the BUCS programme by supporting and promoting the lifestyle and educational benefits to communities and individuals of taking part in sport.
BUCS provides outstanding opportunities to all students to engage in sport and related activity in higher education and we are proud to be a part of the programme.
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